WordPress Released latest version update 5.0. this is major WordPress update of 2018 with many new improvements and big changes. We will discuss what are new features, improvement and changes in WordPress 5.0
New Block-Based Editor – Gutenberg
wordpress 5.0 comes with new dafualt editor Gutenberg. It is block-based editor which allow users to create beautifull design with blocks. it includes block to add pictures, text, pictures gallery, button, list and more. This editor also make easy to embed content from other sites like Facebook, youtube etc. If you dont like this editor you can switch back to classic edit via install “classic editor” plugin.
New WordPress Theme – Twenty Nineteen
Wordpress 5.0 brings new dafult theme Twenty Nineteen. It is fully compatible with wordpress new editor Gutenberg. its lightweight and modern look theme to suitable to start a new professional blog. it is fully responsive and users can customize it according to their requirements.
Improved Mobile has Optimization
Wordpress Team Improved Mobile experience for users in WordPress 5. Now wordpress default themes are fully responsive. This aimed at Improving loading speed of default wordpress themes to improve ranking in search engines.
Security Updates
Wordpress Security is major and importance is topic for WordPress Team. WordPress Core Team Working hard to Make WordPress Secure. They suggest to use Good Hosting services with SSL certificate.